Monday, September 24, 2018

WEEK 7: Braxton's first week in Uruguay

¡Primera semana en Uruguay!

How is it goin everybody? Hope yall are doing great. Uruguay has been a blast so far! We got here early last Tuesday morning and were greeted by President and Hermana Olsen and a few of the missionaries. President and Hermana Olsen are the coolest people ever. I am a lucky missionary to have them as a mission president and wife.

The first day we just kinda hung out a little and then the next day we found out our trainers and areas. It was so fun! We all had our eyes closed and sang "Called To Serve" and when we opened our eyes our trainers were standing right there!! I got lucky with my trainer, I got Elder Smyers, He is 21 and from a small town in Arizona. He has about 15 months in the mission and is a stud missionary. He works me hard and has helped me so much. Our area that we are assigned is called Delta Del Tigre! It is one of the Montevideo zones. It is a small town and more of countryside town. I really am starting to love it there. Haha! We get to see some random horses just strolling around, and the occasional cow, oh and I cant forget about the dogs. Dogs are everywhere. Every house we go to contact there are usually 3-5 dogs just in the front yard.  I really loved dogs before getting here, but they are for sure testing my patience now! Ha!  They really seem to get a kick out of just barking at us and going crazy when they see us. But overall, the area is awesome. 

We cross a bridge everyday to get to the main part of our area and it is beautiful. We cross a big river where there are always people out fishing and what not. The people are really nice here, for the most part. We have about 20-25 active members or so in our branch and they all have been so kind to me and told me they are impressed with my spanish, although I think that might just be them trying to be nice to me haha. But I can for sure testify of the reality of the Gift of Tounges. I feel it in my life everday has a missionary. There are times when I say something or hear something that I should not know, but somehow it all just comes out and I can understand it or say it. It is an awesome experience each time that happens. We have some people we are teaching right now that are just awesome. The experiences I am already having are changing my life. There are 2 teenage guys we are teaching that just started coming to church and the activities, we didn't even contact them! They are absolute studs. They told us last night they're going to seminary now. We're hoping they will be baptized very soon and we are so excited for them. 

Being a missionary is definitely not an easy thing to do, but it is definitly worth it.  I am coming to understand that my mission really isn' about me. It is the people I get to serve and teach everyday and life is a lot happier when you start to worry about others before you worry about yourself. Well this will be the first of many emails I will send from Uruguay and I am very excited for it all. Adios!! 

                              Pictures from the MTC: 

Braxton with his District at the MTC 

A little mirror selfie from Braxton with his MTC companion

MTC living quarters

                            First pictures from URUGUAY 

New Digs in Uruguay
Braxtons bedroom (complete with his Star Wars pillow from home)
Study Area

New mode of transportation

The glasses look good on You Elder Shoe! 


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Week 6
"Greeting From Uruguay!!!"

Elder Shoemaker has officially made it to Uruguay. We received an email and pictures from his missionary mom, Sister Olsen, as well as a hand written letter from Braxton. 

Greetings from Uruguay! We are so happy that all of the new missionaries arrived safe and sound today.  They are such an impressive group!!  We have been anxiously awaiting their arrival and look forward to spending the next day or so together.  The remainder of today will be spent in interviews with President Olsen and in some training.  Tomorrow morning they will meet their trainers and head out to their new areas.  

As a family, we are excited to get to know your missionary better.  Each will become a member of our family.  We will love them and take care of them as if they were our own.  Having served here myself, I can promise that your missionary will develop a deep love for the wonderful people of Uruguay.  They will each find their own “waters of Mormon” here in Uruguay.  In a beautiful way, their lives will be changed forever.

We anticipate greatness from these missionaries and will do all we can to love and support them in this incredible work.  If you ever have any questions or need anything, feel free to shoot me a message.  The fastest way to get a response is to message me through Facebook (Julie Darrington Olsen).  We also have a mission Facebook page "President and Sister Olsen, Uruguay Montevideo West Mission”. 

We feel so blessed to serve here along side you missionary.  We have an obedient, dedicated mission and we find joy in serving.  Most of all, we love you for all you do to support your missionary!  May the Lord bless your family as your missionary serves here in the Uruguay Montevideo West Mission.  We join with all of our missionaries in working to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We love Him and testify of Him!

With much love,
Sister Olsen

Braxton with President and Sister Olsen
The new arrivals from the Columbia MTC

Elder Shoemaker with his trainer!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018



What is up everyone! Id like to start off with saying I freaking love America and I wont ever forget the terrorist attacks that happened on this day 17 years ago. As a zone on the way to the temple this morning we sang America the Beautiful. Colombia and Uruguay are great countries but man do I love the good ole USA. But I hope yalls week was good! Mine sure was! Last week we had a surprise devotional with a general authority!! It was really awesome. It was Elder Held from the Seventy. He and his wife spoke to us! It was in spanish so sadly I couldn´t compelety understand everything but I for sure felt the spirit and it was great! 

So last saturday we got to go out and proseltye in the bogota north mission!! It was the best day Ive had here so far. Me and my comp, elder Evans, got assigned to Elder Maldonado from Ecuador! He doesn't speak english but we could communicate fairly decent. He was awesome though. He had his hair halfway down his back in a braid! Haha he was really cool! He said the braid was a cultural thing from Ecuador so he was allowed to keep it. We had the opportunity to go to a baptism for a mother and her daughter! It was so cool so be able to see that. Myself, elder Evans and two other CCM missionaries we were with got up and sang for everyone there. They thought it was pretty funny four gringos were singing for them haha. Many took videos of us and it was really funny talking with them. After the baptism we got to teach a lesson to 3 young women about the Law of Chasity, haha that was a good experience for us to learn! But it really was the best day of the mission so far. I am so exicted because this coming monday us Uruguayan missionaries leave for the field!! I cant wait to get there!! I know I am going to get blown away with the spanish at first but I know Ill learn a lot quicker that way!!!

I just wanted to end this email with something my CCM president said to us the other day. He told a story of when he left for his spanish speaking mission and they had him take an aptitude test first. He failed the test dramatically. They told him it was literally impossible for him to learn the Spanish language, and that they were going to re-assign him to an english mission. Well President Hansen didnt like that so he said, 'give me one week and Ill show you what I can learn.' He became one of the best spanish speakers in his group at the MTC and became completely fluent and can say whatever he wants in the language. And after he told us this story he told us, "If you dont have the aptitude for it, have the attitude." That hit me like a truck. Spanish is very difficult to learn and Im far from the smartest kid here. But I know if we have the attitude to do anything in this life we can do it. Well Ill write yall next week once Im in Uruguay baby!!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week 4

Que pasa Everyone!!! I hope you're all doing great! I'm doing good here! This week wasn't anything crazy, just another week in the MTC! I only have 2 weeks left here until I leave for Uruguay baby!! Spanish is coming along mas o menos haha. As of right now, my biggest problem is just understanding people. I seem to struggle with that a lot. But I can definitely say the gift of tongues is real!! This email I just wanted to mention how humbled I have already been since coming to Colombia. This past week new Latino elders came into the MTC and they are some awesome guys. I have learned very quickly how blessed I am in my life since meeting them. Some of them don't have shoes when we play soccer outside and they are barefoot. One of my buddies from Venezuela literally grew up homeless and in and out of gangs and violence that if you or I were exposed to probably wouldn't have survived, and now that guy is on a mission. I can't believe it man. He's the coolest, funniest guy ever. And the other day, his companion thought that a pack of oreos we got were so good that he wouldn't eat his. In Venezuela, they don't have oreos, so he's saving it to give to his mom. Wow, I couldn't believe him. They are the most humble and nicest guys I have honestly ever met. It made me really start thinking about how blessed I am. It's hard for us because there is a rule we cant give them anything because the church is going to help them out with clothes and stuff. I just want to give them my shoes or ties or clothes or something. I felt so guilty just when one of them saw all my ties. If I have already been humbled this much in 4 weeks, then I can't imagine what it'll be like in 2 years. I am so thankful for the life I have lived in America and the things we take for granted every day. I hope everyone just tries to realize how much we've all been blessed. I love you all and hope you're doing great!!! This week we get to go proselyting again on Saturday, so next week I'll have more experiences to write about! Adios!