Week #47: Marcelo me bajó la caña
Well hey hey everybody! This week was pretty eventful. We had a great week with the people we are teaching. We're making good progress with a few different people. We also had a sweet service activity this past week where we all got together and cleaned the church like its never been cleaned before! I also got attacked by a giant German Sheppard dog...just walking casually along the sidewalk!! All of a sudden this dog jumped up against a big gate of a house, and got me real good by the shoulder and was hanging on for a good second or so! I had to wack the sucker with my umbrella to get him to let go. Left two big holes in my nice jacket, completly ripped the sleeve of my white shirt, and also tore nicely into my shoulder. I was bleeding nice and good for a bit...and in a decent amount of pain. We went back to the house to clean it out and everything. I'm thankful for the experience, because now when I get home, I'll just have one more story to tell people! Ha! Its looking like its gonna leave a good scar, so I'll also have the proof too.
I had another experience this week, that was a little more meaningful and impactful that I wanted to share with you all. So as missionaries, we tend to make friends with the local drunks and homless people...and they become our friends. Well, one night Elder Cruz and I were finishing up the day, and we decided to grab some hamburgers to-go and bring to the house. As we were walking back to the house on a cold night, we crossed through a field to get to the house. One of our homeless drunk buddies was laying in the field, and saw us and shouted out to us to wait. So we stopped to chat with this guy, Marcelo. In my selfishness, I immediately thought to hide the hamburgers we had, so he wouldn't ask for them. It didn't work though, he saw them, and asked us if we had any food to share with him. Elder Cruz and I both hesitated. We didn't say yes or no, for about 3 or 4 seconds. And then Marcelo said, "Ah no, its okay. You had to think about it"...and then he began to turn around and walk back to where he came from. Then he turned around again towards us and said, "You had to think about it. It's either yes, or no. Jesus will tell you that I was in the cold, I was hungry, and I was alone." And then he turned and walked back to his spot in the field and layed down.
I was left with my jaw open. I didnt know what to say, or what to do. I felt horrible. Here I was, supposedly a representative of Jesus Christ, and I just denied a homeless man food, when I had a hamburger in my hand and a warm house to go to...which had even more food inside. I wanted to go back to him to give him the hamburger, but I knew it was too late..."I had to think about it".
That line has stuck with me. I went home after that experience, and ate the hamburger, and I hated every second of it. Worst hamburger I have ever eaten. I was thinking about Marcelo that whole night. He was left outside, in the cold, without a jacket even, and hungry. And I could have done something to help his situation, but from my selfishness, I had to comtemplate whether I wanted to help him or not. I wish I could say I immediately gave him what I had, but I didnt. I failed a simple test that God placed in front of me. I learned alot from the experience though. I learned that Im not sufficiently charitable with the people here in Uruguay.
I have been praying and working hard everyday since that night to gain a greater love for the people here. To do whatever it is that is placed in front of me to help one of these people. And to do it, "without thinking about it". I know God reprimands us because He loves us and wants us to improve. God placed Marcelo in our path that night to teach me a thing or two about love. I love my Savior and my God for their love for me and for everyone single child of God here on Earth. I just hope that one day I can match that love for the people who surround me everyday.