Week #56: La voluntad del Señor
Howdy everybody! Hows it going? This week was crazy and one without much sleep. We welcomed in two new elders into our ward and house and it's been great! Elder Prado and Elder Ross are some awesome guys!
Elder Ross is just starting his mission and it has reminded me a whole lot of my first little bit in the mission field. Sometimes I amaze myself and am a bit surprised that I'm still alive after this past year. But the Lords tender mercies are everywhere to be found, and its a straight miracle I haven't just passed out and died yet! As I was thinking a lot about Elder Ross and my past year, I started thinking about all the times I was really hoping for something and didn't get it. That happens a lot to us missionaries. We're constantly hoping for the best companion, in the best area, with the best members, with the best people to teach, and just the perfect situation to have a lot of success on our missions. But...we almost never get any of that. I jokingly thought to myself the other day "Man I'm gonna just have to change my desires if I wanna get what I want". I didn't really think about it, but then it hit me that that's exactly what I have to do to get what I want. I've learned that as we give up our own will, we all of a sudden become happier. Life starts working out in our favor, and we see the Lords hand in every step of the way. Our own desire will soon become equal to the desire of God, and then we "magically" start to get the things we want in our lives. We dont worry for ourselves, and for the things of the world, and for things that don't matter in the eternal perspective. We simply worry for the well-being of others and hope to help and serve those around us.
It really is a simple formula to become happy and have joy during this life; forget ourselves and focus on God and Jesus Christ, and what they want. I can truly testify, from experience, that these blessings are promised to us when we obey God and do His work.
"Quien soy yo, dice el Señor, para prometer y no cumplir" -DyC 58:31
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Classic Braxton Style ~ with a Uruguayan spin |
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The new House Mates! Elder Prado, Elder Ross & his companion Elder Monge! |