Week #10: ¡Dos bautismos!
Que pasan todos! I hope everyone back home had a great week! I had an awesome week, especially this weekend! But first, some big news we recieved this week. On October 25th, next week, President Nelson and Elder Stevenson of the 12 and their wives, are coming to speak to our mission and the other mission here in Uruguay!!!! It feels like Christmas is next week! We are all super excited for them to speak to us! I think the Prophet knows Spanish, not sure about Elder Stevenson, so I think it'll be in spanish, which will be really awesome. My spanish is coming along nicely. I am very happy with the progress Ive made in the language, but not the least bit content with it! It is easily the most difficult thing I have had to do in my life so far, but I know it will also be one of the most rewarding and coolest things Ill do with my life once I get it down!
Okay, now to the baptisms! Christian and Sebastian got baptized this past Saturday and recieved the Holy Ghost in Sacrament meeting the next day. It was an amazing experience for the both of them and they were so excited for it all! I got to give a talk on the Holy Spirit after the actual baptism and it was a great experience. They are some of the coolest guys I know. Our hope is that they choose to serve missions in the futures and just keep the chain reaction going and bring more souls unto Christ! We will be teaching Sebastians family a lot more now and are hoping they choose to become disciples of Christ like Sebastian has done!
I love you all and miss everyone back home a lot, but I got some important work to do here that I am starting to love a lot more every day. I testify that to return to our Heavenly Father we have to be baptized and recieve the Holy Ghost and make and keep those convenants with God. I promise that by this we will achieve the most happiness in this life that we can! Ciao todos!
First baptisms for Elder Shoemaker! Christian & Sebastian |
Braxton with Elder Smyers, Christian, Sebastian and Sebastians family.
The streets of Delta Del Tigre Uruguay |
Some adorable Uruguayan kids |