Week 36: ¡Cambios!
Wow it was a crazy week! I am finishing off my time with my Chileano comp, Elder Seguel, and now Ill get to train a brand new missionary! I'm extremely excited to train an ORO BABY! But at the same time, I am a little nervous, as I will be this guys first impression of the mission haha! Its a good feeling though. It will be awesome to see my new comp grow into the mission and see his adjustment. I will find out who my oro is tomorrow at the Montevideo temple! Its going to be an amazing day for sure!
Every new missionary goes through a certain phase at the beginning of their mission, Ive thought about this a lot. Some can take it better than others, but I would guess that its a rough change for just about every single missionary. One thing that will be rained down upon you is just HUMILITY. God really enjoys humbling His missionaries as much as possible, is what I've learned as a missionary. In every aspect possible, He will humble you, and especially if you are learning a new language. While its not always fun to get humbled...I really think humility is something so crucial to have, if you want to be even a decent servant of Christ.
I have a personal belief that no "Christ-like attribute" is more necessary than humility, with exception to charity/love as number 1 on the list. When we humble ourselves, we submit ourselves entirely unto the Lord. We don't tell ourselves that what we think is gonna be the better way, we follow the Spirit in EVERY prompting that we receive. No task, no job, is too low for someone that is humble.
Christ was the ultimate example of humility. Never once, did Christ put his own will or desire above that of the Fathers. He truly suffered the pains and sins of the world, so that Gods perfect plan could be fulfilled. I am truly coming to understand that without humility, we will never learn what Gods needs us to learn, and therefore we will never reach the potential that God has planned for us. I know that the attribute of humility is a God-like attribute that we must have, if we want to have any chance of becoming like Him. So, we might as well start today. Humbling ourselves in all things, both spiritually and temporally.
I truly am thankful that God loves me enough, to humble me. Que podamos pedir al Padre el atributo de humildad. Les amo. Que pasen lindo!
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A picture from President & Sister Olsen's Facebook page today! Braxton with his new trainee and companion at the Montevideo Temple |
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Braxton and Elder Seguel taking in the sites of the Tacuarembo one last time before the transfer. |
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Pday service activity! |