Week #62: ¡Pa, que conferencia general!
Hola hola everyone! Wow what a weekend. I really hope everyone got to watch and listen and pay attention to the general conference sessions from this weekend! It was honestly just so full of the Spirit and revelation for each of us.
I have learned as a missionary that if you go into general conference weekends with a few questions, you always get so much more out of it. You really open yourself up to more revelation and the ability to learn from the Holy Ghost! There were a lot of themes that we heard from the speakers this weekend, but I think maybe the thing I personally heard more than anything else was the phrase "Trust in God".
Maybe it was just me, but I was constantly hearing it and hearing that it's just so necessary that we completely trust in our Heavenly Father and just rely on His wisdom and His plan, rather than our own. If we can learn to not "lean unto our own understanding" and learn to confide in Him more, we receive gifts from Him that are greater than any worldly thing we can obtain in this life.
Which brings me to the second theme I seem to hear a ton of...Joy. Joy is a gift from God. Joy is not a side effect we have when we simply do what is pleasing to ourselves, nor is joy obtained from living as the world tells us to live. Joy can only come from God, it cannot come from any other source. When we truly understand this concept, we start to really live in sync with our Heavenly Fathers commandments, and we begin to follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ.
God will bless us with the gift of pure joy and happiness, when our desires and intentions are centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ and when we seek to simply do His will. I have learned this for myself as a missionary more than in any other moment of my life. I have found so much more happiness and joy in doing missionary work and Gods will, than I ever did in high school when I was considered "free" to be able to do my own will.
I testify of a joy that is durable, and unbreakable, as we strive to come closer to The One who suffered absolutely everything we can imagine, just so we could repent, and achieve great things while in this life, and the life to come. Joy is real, and it comes from living the restored gospel of Jesus Christ!
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