Week #73: New Year, New Me
Yoooo everybody! I cannot believe that tomorrow we start the year 2020. I feel like it was yesterday and I was like 12 and I swore that when I was 20 years old I was gonna be a grown man. Well time just keeps on going, it never stops! We are here in Argentina celebrating and getting ready for the New Year.
This past week was an eventful one. Christmas was going good...until I randomly got super sick and ended up sleeping for about 36 hours straight hahaha. Still not sure what happened, but after I got out of bed and got moving around, I was good as new. It's been extremely hot here this past week as well. Working was tough honestly, as we were literally just dripping with sweat and marching along in the streets. Lots of people yell at us from the streets telling us to drink tons of water or else we will literally just pass out and die hahah!!
I don't have a specific experience to share with you guys from this week, but Id like to just share something Ive been learning about. I was reading in Matthew I believe it was, and I read a verse that said something like "Christ could not perform miracles unto the people for their unbelief". I felt like it was a normal basic concept that this couldn't happen because of their unbelief, but I thought about it for a minute and I started to think it was actually very interesting that the Savior of the world, the Son of God, literally was not able to perform miracles unto the people because of their lack of belief. It wasn't dependent on Him at all, rather only the people around him. Likewise, modern day priesthood holders wouldn't be able to preform a miracle among people who had no faith in the power of God. It's not dependent on the person performing the miracle/blessing, it is those who are present and watching. God will not just give the faithless an "easy way out" by seeing something as great as a miracle. He will only allow it to happen among the most faithful. It is why when Christ raised Jarius daughter from the dead, He pushed out the crowds and all the people, and only brought with Him Peter, James and John. His 3 most faithful apostles. When Christ had blocked out all the unbelief and the doubt, He raised the girl from the dead and she lived again.
The conclusion that I came to with all of this, is that we will see blessings and miracles as Latter Day Saints if we are faithful, and those around us are faithful. Obviously we must serve and help and love those who are of little faith, but our tightest, most inner circle, must be of people who are strong in the gospel and will increase our own faith. We find people who build us up, and we build them up. We will block ourselves from potential miracles in our lives, if we are too caught up with those that don't care for the gospel or God's commandments.
Lets all start this year by evaluating who are closest friends are, who we spend the most time with, and who has the biggest influence on our lives. We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. ¡Que tengamos buenos amigos para que veamos los milagros de Dios!