Week #78: Las verdades del Evangelio
Hola hola!! Another week flown by here in the mission. It was a great week! We were out of our area from sunday to wednesday night, doing Pday, splits, and interviews with president in another city of our zone here in Argentina! It was a great trip and had some super spiritual experiences honestly. Our interviews with President Dunford are always the highlight of the week! I always say that his ability to show and express his love for anyone is incredible!! Not too many people have that gift as great as he does. But this week we did a fair amount of just contacting (clapping doors, talking to people in the street and in parks), and on Tuesday we found some really cool people with awesome desire to just follow Jesus Christ. While we were clapping at a house (thats house you knock here in South America), a man was about to pass us on the sidewalk, and we just stopped him and started to talk a little bit and he was super nice. After talking for about 10-15 minutes, we asked if he needed anything. He told us he had always had a question about God that he asked lots of people, but he never found an answer that pleased him. His question was Why does someone sin and do wrong, even when they know what theyre doing is wrong? We were able to introduce the Book of Mormon quickly, and then we shared with him the scripture that talks about the natural man is an enemy to God. He seemed fairly satisfied with the scripture, and he told us to pass by his house another day to talk more about his question.
Later this same day, we talk to a mom with her little daughter in a plaza, and after talking for a while my companion just asked her if there was something she always wanted to know about God or life that she had never found the answer too. It surprised me with how bold and upfront he was with the question, but it was the perfect question to get this woman to open up to us about her beliefs and doubts about God. Her doubt had to do with why theres so much evil in the world and why God lets it all happen. We explained agency and how God respects our agency even when it hurts other people.
Both these experiences helped me realize something, that truly everyone has their doubts and questions about God and life. We live in a world with so many different beliefes, opinons, and backgrounds, that its very difficult to find the truth and know that it is from God. God has sent his young missionaries all over the world to teach His simple truths to His children so that they might find peace and comfort while in this life! (See Romans 10:13-14). This gospel is true and is flawless! Every question has an answer, we just have to look for it(:
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Braxton meeting Elder Uchtdorf & his wife at the conference in Montevideo a couple of weeks ago! |
Some P-Day fun the last couple of weeks! |