Week 26: ¡Axel y Maikol son capos!
Hows it going everybody?! I hope you all had as good of a week as I have! I believe the SuperBowl was yesterday.. so I hope that was awesome for everyone. I do miss sports quite a bit.. pero es lo que hay (as they say here in uruguay), but this week was awesome.
For starters, it was cloudy and rainy all week and man that was great to have a nice break from the sun. I'm very jealous of your snow back home...but the real reason this week was awesome was that we had two more baptisms here! Two brothers, named Axel and Maikol. They are some studs. They are 10 and 12 years old. They are some young guys, but they have impressed me a whole lot. Axel, the 12 year old, has already finished the BoM, and Maikol is getting close to finishing it.
Their baptismal day had a little bit of a crazy story to it. It was a very sudden baptism...it was Wednesday and we planned the baptism for Friday because Saturday they couldn't do it. So it was a very quick event that we had to plan and get ready for. But nonetheless, we did it and we planned the baptism for 5 o'clock. At about 2 o'clock or so on Friday, our Bishop called us and said none of the leaders from the ward could attend the baptism, so therefore we would have to wait another week to baptize them. Axel and Maikol did not want that, let me tell ya...so we had to figure something out so we just decided to have more of an evening/night baptism instead, so we changed it to 7 o'clock. Then at about 6:30 we went to go pick up the boys from their house and they tell us that their dad had changed his mind and now he said they couldn't get baptized anymore! As missionaries, Im sure you can guess, we started to freak out a little bit (things like this always seem to happen on baptismal days, gosh dang Satan;) but right then, their Dad shows up on his motorcycle. We went over to talk to him and we answered some confusions he had. It turned out to be a great conversation...and then Bam!...the dad was back on board with Axel and Maikol getting baptized! We showed up late to their own baptism...but it didn't even matter. Axel and Maikol got baptized and then confirmed in sacrament meeting the following Sunday.
I couldn't be happier for them. It was awesome. I learned the Lord always gives us a way to solve our problems and battles. Sometimes He will make you stress out for a minute...but in the end, He will always be there for us when it counts. I know I have a Father in Heaven who loves me, and is watching me every moment. I know the same thing for each and every person in this World. If there's one thing I've learned these past 6 months as a missionary, it is that! God loves each of us individually more than we will ever know and He is very aware of us, and knows us. I hope you all can feel His love in your life as well.
I love you all and hope you're doing great. Have a great week everyone! Ciao!
Braxton finally got his sombrero!! |
Picture of his new zone in Tacuarembo! |
Pictures of the bautismal this week! |
Braxton and Elder Seguel with Axel and Maiko on their baptism day. |
Braxton and his companion Elder Seguel. |
Braxton has been waiting for weeks for this sombrero to be delivered from home! It is extremely hot right now in Uruguay and missionaries are encouraged to wear hats to protect their face from the intense heat. He was so happy this finally arrived! |
A couple more pics from the baptism day! |