Week 27: ¡Si quiere crecer, hay que sentir incòmodo!
Holaaa Hola everybody! Hope you all have enjoyed that big snow storm I've been hearing about back there in Utah! Man, I am jealous of that..but, hey I'm not complaining(:
This week was awesome. We started the week off with a Multi Zone Conference in Rivera, which is right on the border of Brazil (yes I saw Brazil and it was pretty sweet). Pres. Olsen talked to us alot about continuing to improve in our missions even after we get "used to missionary life" He said around 6 months you get used to life as a missionary and it becomes "normal". This really struck a chord with me because I am right there at 6 months and it's true, the missionary life is pretty normal for me now. He said the second you feel comfortable and "normal"...you gotta get down on your knees and repent. Pres. Olsen said the biggest struggle of people in the church these days is that we all feel comfortable. We feel that "everything is fine, I'm doing what I should be doing, and there's nothing wrong right now" I would suggest to you, that if you also feel like this, I would go repent. Feeling comfortable is one of Satan's best tools that he has on us.
It is very important that we be constantly trying hard to improve ourselves in every way possible so that we are never comfortable. To quote the movie, The Greatest Showman, "comfort is the enemy of progress". As a new missionary especially, you are very uncomfortable. I don't think its possible to feel more out of place than you do as a new missionary. But, I know from experience, that in the days I have been most uncomfortable, I have progressed more than I ever have in my life.
I would invite each of you to do something today, to make yourself stretch. Get uncomfortable. Do something that scares you and makes you grow. There is no point in living our lives if we are not growing and learning everyday. I love you all so much and hope you are living life to the absolute fullest, and getting uncomfortable. I know that is the only way to progress. Que pasen bien todos(:
Braxton rockin his new Nike Dri-FIT sombrero! ;) |
Another baptism this week. Karen was baptized by her older brother Marcos. |
New member Karen and her older brother Marcos on her baptism day. |
Braxton having a little fun with the scenery! ;) |
Captured some 'gauchos' in the background! |